Penny Board, Be Mine!!

Penny Marble
I love a hint of camo! This board would be a nice accessory as well as a great way to get around...

So those are my top three! Hopefully I'll be purchasing one of these very very soon (birthday coming up, hint hint). You can also customise your very own Penny board on site at Fancy giving it a go yourself? Go, go, go!
P.S. If any of you talented young skateboarders fancy giving me a few lessons, it would be very much appreciated if you got in touch! xx
We Owned The Night, Nike!!
The end of Nike Fuel?
Nike NTC Week
WE OWN THE NIGHT, Nike- Yes we do!!
Jessie J x NTC: Wild Alive Workout
The Jessie J and Nike Training Club have decided to collaborate with a high intensity workout that has launched this week!
Recently, I've worked a couple of skate style shoots and ever since have been paying more attention to the sport. The attractiveness of a guy casually skating past on his board and the way those skate-chic girls just drop and go pushed me to my decision- I'm going to learn to skate.
I'm not saying I'll be able to do all of those fancy tricks, jumps and turns (not yet anyway) but I want to be able to get from A to B on a board, without falling off... So first thing's first, I need to find a board. I've decided to go with the Penny; a brand of smaller, plastic versions of the classic skateboard.
Founded by Ben Mackay and based in Australia, Penny Skateboards have made a name for themselves across the globe. Below are the top three Penny boards that take my fancy.
Penny Fade
Available in a variety of fades, including my personal fave pastel, this is the cutest little board and one that will definitely get a few compliments!
Penny Marble
I nearly died when I found these cuties- the white/green for me please!!

Penny x Hundreds Collab
Penny x Hundreds Collab
I love a hint of camo! This board would be a nice accessory as well as a great way to get around...
So those are my top three! Hopefully I'll be purchasing one of these very very soon (birthday coming up, hint hint). You can also customise your very own Penny board on site at Fancy giving it a go yourself? Go, go, go!
P.S. If any of you talented young skateboarders fancy giving me a few lessons, it would be very much appreciated if you got in touch! xx
We Owned The Night, Nike!!
Last night Nike's We Own The Night race took place in London's Victoria Park and it was GREAT! You might remember my earlier WOTN post when, after much deliberation, I'd just signed up to take part- being a sprinter and never running anything over 5k it all seemed a little too much. I couldn't have been more wrong!
As soon as we arrived the atmosphere was great. Everyone warmed up together and excitedly prepared for the race ahead. There was definitely a festival feel to the evening- keeping fit and festival partying... this had me written all over it.
I'd decided to challenge myself and had chosen to run with the faster group of black and purple bands (there's six groups in total depending on how quickly you feel that you can complete the race). My training had consisted of two 10k runs and some leisurely shorter distances. With previous times of 50 minutes 30 seconds and 51 minutes exactly, I would have been more than happy completing in anything around those times.
The actual race itself was great. Challenging yes, but there are plenty of distractions to take your mind off your heavy breathing (and heavy legs)! There were DJs, light tunnels and even a brass brand to keep you occupied on your way around the park. Huge lit signs marked each kilometre to make you aware of your progress. However, I'd chosen to run with my Nike Running app and pre-selected playlist so that was plenty of motivation in itself; the Nike Running app I would strongly recommend, as it tells updates you with your time after each km!
The final stretch is marked with '600m to go' signs. Then 400, 200, until finally you're crossing the finish line to hundreds of cheering fans- who were probably there for other people, but you can pretend it's all for you. I finished in a time of 46 minutes and 35 seconds- a whole 4 minutes faster then previous runs. A new personal best.
You're handed free water and goody bags as you cross the line and then you're free to join the party that waits ahead.
How cute is my Alex Monroe X Liberty Neckalce?! |
If you haven't experienced the event before I'd strongly recommend that next time you consider taking part. It's not about who comes first or who can run quicker than who; this is a fun race where the only person that you're competing against is yourself. The satisfaction that you feel at the end is unreal and what's better than finishing a race to a free glass of champagne and an exclusive Alex Monroe x Liberty necklace. Ummm, perhaps the huge rave and drink up that took place in the park after?! We ran hard and partied harder- a great way to spend Saturday night with my girls.
Nick Grimshaw as the official WOTN DJ |
Find your name on the Nike WOTN glowing box |
(Other freebies included numerous flavours of Vita Coco water, Vita Coco sweatbands, Metcalfe's Skinny Popcorn and Wheyhey fitness protein ice cream.)
I am beyond proud of myself and every single lady that took part. A huge congratulations to everyone!
So, when's the next race, Nike?
The end of Nike Fuel?
Opening my emails this morning, I was surprised to see that Nike are reducing their FuelBand efforts. When previously working with Nike the FuelBands seemed to be a major push from the brand. I guess for Nike they're great. Number one, they're the first company to launch anything like this and gain any real notice- sporting innovation at it's best. Number two, they make the consumer connect with Nike app- more opportunity for them to tempt you with other purchases and simply become more involved with the brand. And number three, you don't just have to wear the FuelBand to the gym. For my first few weeks of owning a FuelBand, I wore it every hour of every day. Think of how many people you encounter on a daily basis. That ever-so-popular little Nike tick jingling on your wrist- marketing genius! But what was I gaining from the band?
Fair enough, I could track my energy usage each day, which did become a little obsessive! Strangely, the band made me feel good. It made me feel that if I wore it, it automatically meant that I was looking after my health, which I do. But do I really need a little black (or clear) bracelet to assure me of that? All in all, I really didn't know how to use the band effectively and as a result my FuelBand simply became nothing more than a watch- a watch that needed charging every week.
I love Nike and I'd buy pretty much all of the store if I could. But I think that the main problem with the FuelBands is that people simply just don't have the time. I'm obsessed with fitness and fashion and even more so when they're combined. But even I didn't have the time to learn how to get the most out of my band. Maybe I should learn how to use it properly and come back to you then. Or perhaps I should have done that back in January when I first got my hands on a band. At the end of the day, I think that Nike have made the right decision. (Although it does upset me to think that realistically I'll never get my hands on the limited edition rose gold FuelBand that has been on my mind for a while. It's just so cute!!)
So what do you think? Has the Nike FuelBand, well, run out of fuel?

Nike NTC Week
The end of January saw Nike's NTC Week (that's Nike Training Club for those of you who didn't hear!) hit down in London and damn did it get us sweating! From boxing clubs to rave sessions and secret yoga classes (followed by a super tasty three course meal I must say!!) this full week dedicated to workouts for women contained enough fitness excitement to last us the year... well, not quite, but definitely enough to work off those mince pies!
I was lucky enough to work with the Nike and Orillo team to produce the NTC Week promo video and campaign images and guess what, they are finally out in Niketown London! Have a little look below for images posted throughout the week....
I was lucky enough to work with the Nike and Orillo team to produce the NTC Week promo video and campaign images and guess what, they are finally out in Niketown London! Have a little look below for images posted throughout the week....
Also, if you're around Oxford Street, make sure to pop into Niketown to see the pictures up in-store. Here's one of me mid-workout!
The activities and classes took place across London in a variety of fun and even hidden locations. If you like the look be sure to sign up to the next one. As soon as I'm informed about the date I'll let you guys know, so keep checking back! x
WE OWN THE NIGHT, Nike- Yes we do!!
After weeks of my flatmates raving about the Nike We Own the Night 10k run, I finally decided to see what all the fuss was about. As much as I love my sport and fitness (and believe me I train hard), longer runs have never really appealed to me. In all honesty, I'm much more of a sprint kind of girl. Well, that's what I thought...
So with all the excitement flying around the house I decided that it was time for me to sign up. How could I possibly go along to cheer the girls on and not actually take part? I simply couldn't! And besides, I love the feeling after a good workout and this would definitely be one.
The run, in association with Elle UK, takes place in London's Victoria Park on May 10th (and in four other locations across May and June including Amsterdam, Paris, Berlin and Milan). Starting at 8pm, the run- as the title suggests- takes place at night. With glowing (free) t-shirts to run in we will literally be lighting up and owning the night! What's more you finish the run to a giant, well, rave... that's if you've got any energy left! Have a little look here.
Still not convinced? I think that the free goody bag will change your mind. Everybody who enters the race will be given a Nike t-shirt along with other surprise gifts and to everyone who takes part on the day, you'll be given an exclusive Nike WOTN necklace designed by iconic London jewellery designer Alex Monroe in a Liberty print box. (I know that some of you girls will probably be running just to nab the necklace- don't worry, I won't tell)!
Not already signed up? If love a good long run then this is definitely for you! And, if you don't... this is also for you!! This isn't a competition, it's a chance for us girls to get together and have some fun whilst improving our fitness at the same time! You can run at whatever pace you like and I know that running with my girls means that there will be a few (hundred) giggles on the way round. Sign up now at
See you there! xx
Jessie J x NTC: Wild Alive Workout
The Jessie J and Nike Training Club have decided to collaborate with a high intensity workout that has launched this week!
Jessie's 15 minute 'Wild Alive Workout' is exclusive to Nike, focusing on your lower body and getting your heart pumping. The app includes 5 drills (all repeated for a minute each over 3 rounds) that aim to build on muscular endurance, with one particular drill being extra-personal to the artist: the Jessie Drop Squat. This move takes inspiration from the singer's pre-stage warm up, which I don't know about you but I'd be rather intrigued to see!
It only felt right for me to test out the app before telling you ladies about it, so that's what I did... I enjoyed the boxing aspect of the first drill, simple double squats with air punches in between, but was worried that the workout might be a little too tame, as I wasn't out of breathe at all by the end of the first minute. The second drill requires space but picked up the heart rate some more and by the time the fourth drill came around I was wondering what the hell I'd gotten myself in to! The Squat to X-Jump is the worst- if your legs don't burn after this one I'm impressed! By the end of the third round my legs wanted to kill me and I have no doubt that I'll be aching tomorrow morning.
Probably not the best idea doing this workout after my morning gym session, but this is honestly one to try. It really does work your legs and lasting only 15 minutes you'll feel like you've had a full hour's session. So, my advice... Just Do It! Sorry, I had to.
Burning approximately 108 calories- that's 489 NikeFuel for all of you Fuel band lovers- the workout is available to download on the NTC app now. Find it under 'Get Toned' and 'Intermediate'.
Good Luck! xx
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